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Conscious Crafts - Knitting


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Conscious Crafts - Knitting

In Conscious Crafts: Knitting, co-founders of the Black Girl Knit Club unpick the meditative nature of the knitting process and its empowering skill set for creating, well-being and mindfulness. Making is mindfulness made practical, and knitting is an iconic craft proven to have a therapeutic impact on well-being. Sicgmone Kludje and Vanessa Koranteng, have curated 20 modern makes, ranging from plant pot cosies to throws and snoods, to introduce the basics of knitting. Covering fundamental stitches and techniques including casting on, knit, pearl and moss stitch, Sicgmone and Vanessa show how these can be adapted for different projects as well as re-purposing used textiles into your own upcycled yarn, all whilst embracing the restorative benefits of craft.

About the Author
About Sicgmone Kludje
Sicgmone Kludje and Vea Koranteng are the co-founders of the Black Girl Knit Club, a knitwear collective based in East London. They teach workshops, give talks and have been featured in the international press for their call for more diversity within the craft community. Their website is blackgirlknitclub.com, and their Instagram is @blackgirlknitclub

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